Interactive Competency Library and Profiling Tool

Discover Lumenii’s interactive tool that lets you build competency profiles from a globally validated library of 45 competencies. Get started or contact us to learn more about our competency-based solutions.

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Effectively handling detailed information and being consistently attentive to details.

  • Works in an orderly fashion.
  • Ensures that matters are handled in an orderly and accurate manner from start to finish.
  • Prevents mistakes.
  • Invests energy in checking his/her work for mistakes.


Independently making decisions and sticking to them; having the courage to make firm decisions.

  • Isn't afraid to make unpopular decisions.
  • Makes independent decisions.
  • Takes decisive action.
  • Takes full responsibility for his/her own decisions.


Delegating work in an understandable, structured and verifiable manner.

  • When delegating, provides enough space and responsibility to be able to perform the task.
  • Delegates enough work to complete his/her own tasks.
  • When delegating, he/she clarifies what results are required at what time.
  • When delegating, he/she indicates to the employee why he/she in particular is asked this question.
  • Regularly checks the progress of delegated work.

Devotion to quality

Demanding a high quality of provided products and services, and acting accordingly.

  • Has high quality standards for the work of others.
  • Has high quality standards for his/her own work.
  • Delivers the quality that was agreed and that is expected by the other party.
  • Sees and uses opportunities to improve the quality of what is delivered.


Directing others, taking charge.

  • Sets an example.
  • Clearly expresses what he/she expects from others.
  • Paints the big picture, provides frameworks.
  • Enthuses employees about the chosen approach.


Demonstrating commitment to agreements.

  • Honours agreements.
  • Works hard.
  • Shows a lot of self-discipline.
  • Takes responsibility for his/her own work.


Coming to an agreement in situations in which people have a common objective but different interests.

  • Stands up for his/her own (organisational) interests in a negotiation.
  • Investigates what is important to the other party in a negotiation.
  • Has a clear and specific goal in mind in a negotiation.
  • Strives for an end result that is attractive for both parties in negotiations.
  • Ensures that the relationship is maintained during a negotiation.

Performing under pressure

Maintaining an effective performance under pressure, or when faced with setbacks or disappointment.

  • Delivers good results under pressure.
  • Persists when faced with setbacks.
  • Continues to do the right thing under pressure, without making mistakes.
  • Maintains an even performance under pressure.


Systematically organising activities and setting time frames, setting priorities.
Ensures that the necessary means to perform the job are available on time.
Puts matters in an efficient order when planning.
Makes the plan understandable for everyone involved.
Makes, and maintains a realistic plan.
Sets priorities.


Presenting one's own point of view in such a way that the information is conveyed effectively.

  • Brings structure to presentations.
  • Provides clear examples in presentations that are consistent with the audience's perceptions.
  • Supports his/her story non-verbally when giving a presentation.
  • Connects with the audience when giving a presentation.


Being focused on achieving objectives and results, persevering in the face of adversity.

  • Makes concrete agreements with others about the results to be delivered.
  • Remains focused on results when other things interfere.
  • Makes an effort to achieve objectives.
  • Has a clear goal in mind.
  • Looks for a solution when achieving the objective becomes threatened.
  • Finishes the job in time.


Applying, implementing and maintaining structure in day-to-day business.

  • Applies structure to his/her own work.
  • Structures things in a way that is also clear to others.
  • Has an overview of both his/her own activities and the activities of others.
  • Provides support to others in their work by choosing and maintaining clear procedures.


Is enthusiastic, knows how to inspire others, connects people. Galvanises others into action and gives direction to personal leadership.

  • Takes the lead
  • Inspires others
  • Takes responsibility
  • Gives employees their own responsibilities
  • Stimulates and uses input from others
  • Shows appreciation for good performance


Purposefully adapting actions to different individuals.

  • Adapts to the prevailing culture.
  • Easily interacts with people from various backgrounds.
  • Adjusts his/her way of doing things to what others consider pleasant.
  • Strives for good relationships by adapting when necessary.

Analysing people's motivations

Finding out other people's perspectives.

  • Investigates other people's long-term ambitions.
  • Studies other people's norms and values.
  • Demonstrates an interest in the opinion of others.
  • Investigates what others consider important in their daily work.

Client focus

Identifying and actively responding to clients' wishes and needs.

  • Deals with clients in a friendly manner.
  • Shows involvement in the client's problem.
  • Makes clients feel welcome.
  • Approaches the client's question with a can-do mentality.


Working with others in order to effectively contribute to a common objective.

  • Takes others' insights and opinions seriously.
  • Asks others for their opinion.
  • Honours agreements.
  • Takes the viewpoints of others into account when collaborating.
  • Is open to collaboration with others.

Creating support

Imagining other people's concerns and involving them in changes.

  • Communicates matters to everyone involved.
  • Shows understanding for objections, without abandoning the set course.
  • Explains why a certain approach has been chosen.
  • Involves others in developing and implementing plans.

Listening skills

Being able to gather important information through verbal communication, obtaining clarification by asking questions.

  • Adapts reactions to what others have to say.
  • Asks questions based on what someone has said.
  • Gives the other time to get their point across.
  • Listens when someone is telling something.
  • Has an open and interested demeanour.

Organisational sensitivity

Recognising the impact of one's own decisions or actions on other parts of the organisation.

  • Ensures good cooperation with other parts of the organisation.
  • Recognises the impact of personal actions and decisions on the rest of the organisation.
  • Informs people from outside his/her own department.
  • Knows the political structure within the organisation.


Presenting ideas and opinions with arguments and eloquence in order to reach an agreement.

  • Holds on to his/her own proposals without being pushy.
  • Makes an effort to convince others of his/her opinion and ideas.
  • Presents own ideas with enthusiasm and determination.
  • Adjusts his/her arguments to what the other is susceptible to.

Providing feedback

Giving scope to others by sharing one's views on their performance.

  • Provides others with insight in the effectiveness of their performance.
  • Provides feedback regularly.
  • Provides feedback that people consider useful.
  • Isn't afraid to use feedback to bring up subjects that are negative or sensitive.
  • Provides specific feedback.

Social skills

Being able to successfully establish contact with others.

  • Approaches strangers.
  • Conducts him/herself with ease around others.
  • Gets along well with different kinds of people.
  • Shows an interest in others.
  • Makes contact in a way that others consider pleasant.

Team Building

Encouraging cooperation within the team in order to achieve common objectives.

  • Establishes cooperation between team members.
  • Knows what is going on within the team.
  • Stimulates the mutual commitment and solidarity within the team.
  • Motivates team members for the joint team goals.


Stimulating others to display desirable behaviour or perform the desired activities.

  • Shows an interest in others.
  •  Gives compliments regularly.
  •  Celebrates successes as a team effort.
  •  Gives others the opportunity to use their skills as much as possible.
  •  Gives others insight into the importance and value of their work.


Effectively standing up for oneself.
Isn't afraid to enter into discussion.
Effectively stands up for his/her own opinion.
Can handle criticism.
Speaks up when others cross his/her boundaries.

Commercial drive

Demonstrating the will and the strength to generate business.

  • Initiates action independently in order to generate business.
  •  Radiates energy and belief in him/herself in commercial activities.
  •  Uses commercial opportunities.
  •  Looks for commercial challenges.


Drive, passion.

  • Sets high standards for his/her own performance.
  • Works hard to realise above average results.
  • Believes in the feasibility of goals, is dedicated.
  • Often does more than is expected of him/her.


Identifying and/or creating new possibilities within new or existing frameworks.

  • Has the drive to continually outperform competitors.
  • Enthuses the outside world about the organisation.
  • Feels responsible for the results of his/her organisational unit.
  • Brings people and resources together, to create new business and achieve joint results.
  • Looks for new opportunities for the organisation.


Being able to change one's own behaviour or approach in order to achieve a certain objective.

  • Flexibly handles matters that turn out differently than anticipated.
  • Accepts that there are different ways to reach a certain goal.
  • Changes the approach when things fail, in order to secure the end result.
  • Adjusts priorities when circumstances require.


Identifying opportunities and taking action.

  • Starts new things.
  • Makes new proposals.
  • Initiates work automatically.
  • Is open to opportunities to take action.


Complying with generally accepted standards in activities related to the position.

  • Keeps promises.
  • Creates realistic expectations.
  • Is sincere.
  • Handles sensitive information carefully.
  • Shows awareness of values, indicates when boundaries are crossed.

Personal development

Being aware of one's own strengths and weaknesses: consciously working on personal development.

  • Is focused on self-broadening and/or gaining more in-depth knowledge.
  • Follows relevant training programmes and/or looks for opportunities to gain experience.
  • Seeks and uses opportunities for personal development.
  • Asks for feedback in order to learn.


Recognising and responding to other people's motives and feelings.

  • Accepts others as they are.
  • Shows an interest in the perceptions and emotions of others.
  • Handles sensitivities with others in a tactful manner.
  • Takes a sensitive approach if the situation so requires.


Being focused on supporting others in achieving their objectives.

  • Positions him/herself as a service provider.
  • Enjoys helping colleagues and/or clients.
  • Takes worries off colleagues' and/or clients' hands.
  • Supports colleagues and/or clients in achieving their results.

Stress resistance

Being able to handle stress.

  • Stays calm under pressure.
  • Maintains flexibility under stress.
  • Pulls him/herself together after disappointments.
  • Keeps his/her emotions in check when pressure increases.


Lively and enthusiastic demeanour.

  • Works on many different tasks.
  • Is action-oriented.
  • Constantly starts something new, keeps going.
  • Responds enthusiastically to new tasks and challenges.

Willingness to change

Dealing with changes, the ability to relate to the common interest and the willingness to act accordingly.

  • Has a fresh view on new situations and changes, without being stuck on existing working methods.
  • Looks for chances and opportunities offered by the situation when confronted with changes.
  • Stays focused on the goal if circumstances or working methods change.
  • Looks for ways to make a contribution to changes.

Analysing and forming opinions

Being focused on examining matters in a systematic way.

  • Researches a problem before drawing conclusions.
  • Recognises the causes of events.
  • Quickly gets to the root of a problem.
  • Draws logical conclusions.


Providing original solutions to problems. Coming up with new work methods and alternative angles.

  • Offers original ideas.
  • Approaches business from new and unexpected viewpoints.
  • Comes up with new ways to do things.
  • Sees opportunities where others do not.

Helicopter view

Maintaining an overview of the situation, and taking some distance in order to create an overview.

  • Sees the relationship between different events or actions.
  • Keeps an eye on the big picture.
  • Distinguishes main and side issues in a complex situation.
  • Has a grasp of how the work and actions of others are a part of a larger context.


Identifying opportunities to implement changes and improvements.

  • Invents new things in line with existing successes.
  • Proposes improvements regarding existing work methods.
  • Isn't afraid to let go of existing frameworks.
  • Is able to look to others to generate ideas.

Market orientation

Demonstrate being well informed about developments in the market.

  • Actively seeks market information.
  • Thinks of solutions to internal problems from the viewpoint of the organisation's market position.
  • Informs him/herself about the offers and activities of competitors.
  • Looks for opportunities that allow the organisation to benefit from market trends.

Situational awareness

Demonstrate being well informed about developments in one's environment and effectively using this information for one's own organisation.

  • Makes a good estimation of how different parties outside the organisation will respond to the organisation's proposals and actions.
  • Examines which individuals and/or parties from outside the organisation are involved in a process.
  • Keeps him/herself informed on developments in his/her field.
  • Keeps him/herself informed about societal trends and developments that are relevant to the organisation.

Strategic insight

Setting strategic objectives for the organisation.

  • Thinks in an organisation-wide manner.
  • Formulates various scenarios to reach the organisation's long-term objectives.
  • Uses numerical input to provide arguments for his/her strategic ideas.
  • Sets a strategic course that provides support for others in their work.
  • Consistently implements a chosen course and strategy within the organisational unit.

How to Use the Competency Library

Start by reviewing the job description for the role you wish to profile. Select 6 to 8 competencies from our validated library that are essential to performance. Evaluate the behavioural indicators for each competency to ensure they match the role’s requirements. Once satisfied, complete the form at the bottom of the page to generate your customised competency profile.

Competency Profiling Resources

Competency Profiling Best Practices

The golden rules for building an effective profile.

10 Mistakes to Avoid

Here are the commonly overlooked mistakes made when building profiles

Competency-based interview template

Download our template for effective competency-based interviews.

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