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Succession Planning For Companies in South Africa

Objective, data-driven process with qualitative insights for professional succession planning.

  • Mitigate risk and ensure continuity

  • Identify and develop talent

  • Balance data-centric and people-centric insights

The process on how succession planning should work

South African National Blood Service uses Lumenii for succession planning

See how SANBS builds a resilient organisation via succession planning

The South African National Blood Service has a comprehensive succession strategy to build their talent pipeline, plan for the future and proactively develop a resilient culture. 

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More on Succession Planning

Plan for the future, plan for success

Succession planning is the process of identifying and developing fresh talent in your organisation to fill future leadership and business critical roles.

A structured, consistent succession planning process is the cornerstone of effective talent management and employee development to ensure business continuity.

Taking a long-term perspective on talent

Adopting a proactive, long term approach is key. Too often succession planning is attempted in reaction to a critical need as a result of unexpected exit or lack of critical skill in the organisation.

End-to-end solutions for succession and leadership development

Lumenii employs a comprehensive succession planning methodology that covers all stages of the process, with a focus on competencies, potential, performance and management insights. Scientific and unbiased measures of future potential are combined with performance and Learning Agility to accurately plot your talent pipeline. Qualitative perspectives from participants and management are integrated at all stages of the process.

Key features

360-degree feedback measures of performance

360-degree feedback surveys provide a structured, comprehensive measure of employee performance, incorporating perspectives from self, management, colleagues, peers, subordinates and clients. 

Lumenii's 360-degree tools can be configured to the competency requirements of the specific role. 

Learning Agility can be included, as well as controls for impression management and self-deception. 

Measurement and development of Leadership Agility

Leadership Agility is the strongest predictor of future performance, surpassing cognitive ability, personality and emotional intelligence. 

Agility is defined as the ability to develop new effective behaviour in the face of new demands and experiences. It is a critical component of succession planning, providing insight into an employee's future development potential. 

Competency-based potential assessments to identify talent

Insights into employees' potential are gathered via objective, psychometric competency-based assessments. 

These assessments can be configured to the competency demands of the specific role(s). 

9-grid perspectives on potential and performance

Lumenii leverages off scientific measures
of competency-based potential, performance and Learning Agility to plot your talent pipeline, and integrates organisational data, such as KPI’s. The 9-box matrix provides a holistic overview of your available talent and their readiness for the next level.

Individual and group talent dashboards

Lumenii's process structurally incorporates the qualitative insights offered by line managers and HR. The result? An individual talent dashboard, bringing together data, detailed insights, career path, strengths and development recommendations.

Succession planning workshops

Succession workshops are a core part of your organisation's learning journey. They can be facilitated to:

  • teach your HR team to independently run succession planning programmes
  • share the why's and how's of effective succession with line managers
  • discuss the succession planning process with participants
SANBS uses Lumenii software for succession planning

Having the right people and culture to deliver is critical.

''Succession planning is a key element in building strong teams, promoting from within, retaining knowledge and building long-term stakeholder relationships to leverage from in times of difficulty.''

Ravi Reddy, CEO at the South African National Blood Service.


Measure and improve your talent with Lumenii

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